I had to start it at some point, so why not now?
Okay, so I’ve had a lot of people asking me why I don’t have a travel blog!?! The simple answer is, I’ve been too busy travelling around and working in between in order to afford my travels. But after my most recent travel to South America I feel like I have to share my experiences with the world and hopefully inspire someone to “just go”.
So… my name is Zana I live in Denmark but was born in the beautiful country of Bosnia & Herzegovina. If you ask my friends, family or even people who only met me once they’ll probably describe me as a worldtraveler or citizen of the world since I’m barely never home. I guess I’ll agree with them because I simply LOVE to travel! As the famous Danish writer H.C. Andersen once said “to travel is to live” and I agree on this one 100%.
I actually don’t even know where this passion came from because no one in my family is a traveler nor my closest friends. I guess it’s from my interest in other cultures?! Well…I’ve always had a great interest in the US and Latin America. When I graduated from high school I decided to go to the US to visit my family in Chicago and Detroit… and so I did. I spent 3 months there and I had a great time. That was my first travel outside of Europe. Ever since I’ve basically been travelling every second month (even throughout my studies) and 2013 has been CRAZY… I haven’t planned any travels at all, but suddenly I had 8 tickets booked – uuuuups! How did that happen!?! So I have been travelling like every second week this year… and my God how exhausting but wow what a great time I’ve had.
So within the last 6 years I’ve visited 36 countries, 6 continents and countless of cities and villages.
I don’t wanna bother you guys any more, but I’ll stop now. It’s time to give you a taste of my world… it’s time to go back in time and dig up some old photos and memos.